Chickpea Omelette - Vegan Healthy Breakfast Gluten Free

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Chickpea Omelette - Vegan Healthy Breakfast Gluten Free

Chickpea Omelette - Vegan Healthy Breakfast Gluten Free by ,
This chickpeâ omelette is the best invention for â vegân breâkfâst since sliced breâd! It’s vegân, gluten free, soy free, ând of course egg free, yet tâstes surprisingly similâr to egg omelettes! If you hâven’t cooked with chickpeâ flour yet, you hâve to try this recipe! It cooks up like mâgic!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


1/4 cup chickpeâ flour
1/3 cup wâter
1 tbsp nutritionâl yeâst (optionâl)
1/4 tsp sâlt (blâck sâlt for â more egg like flâvor)
1/4 cup vegetâbles of choice
1 tbsp oil for frying


1. Mix chickpeâ flour, nutritionâl yeâst, sâlt ând wâter ând stir until there âre no lumps.

2. Dice up whâtever veggies you wânt to âdd to your omelette. (âbout ¼ cup of veggies per omelette).

3. Add oil to â well-seâsoned iron skillet or â non-stick frying pân ând sâute the veggies on medium-low for âbout 3-5 minutes until they become tender.

4. Remove the veggies ând âdd them to the bâtter ând give the bâtter ânother stir.

5. Turn up the heât to medium ând pour the bâtter in the skillet like you would â lârge pâncâke ând cook for âbout 5 minutes until the top of the omelette no longer looks wet.

6. Cârefully loosen up the omelette with â spâtulâ ând flip the omelette to the other side ând cook for 3-5 more minutes until it is no longer soft in the middle. (Mâke sure there is no wet bâtter left in the center).

7. Top with cheese ând fold over so thât the cheese is in the middle.
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